Christmas Wishlist.
Everybody has one, right? And since there are only 20 days to go before Christmas, I'm gonna post here mine. :D
[] Nintendo Wii (Yes, I've been longing for one for about 2 years now. :D)
[] Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Well, if I'm buying a Wii, why would I not buy the best game for it?)
[] Rock Band 2{Complete bundle or even just the guitar one} (Well, Wii version would do. :D)
[] Chrono Trigger DS (Yes, the best RPG ever, and I want a legit copy of it.)
[] FIFA 09{PC version} (Since I can't afford the PS3, I'll just play the best 90mins of my life in my PC. :>)
Well, I guess that's it? Iunno, might add some later on. :D
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