Posted by Jeff |

3 letters which are so powerful, no ENGLCOM student wants to see these 3 letters on their process papers/essays.

Well, guess what?

Yeah, I swear it's the 2nd time I've been slapped with an FTR.

It hurts. ;_;

I was never a fan of essay writing since God-knows-when, and then I got stuck with a subject I need to take which requires you to write a godly essay. And you have to write 4 IIRC, which is like.. Bah. :P

Well, at least I'm having fun in class. Arguably one of the best class I have this term. :>


Posted by Jeff |

Gabboiz tagged me. Ohnoez.

Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

  1. I just finished downloading Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 for the PSP.
  2. I'm currently downloading the discography of the Foo Fighters.
  3. The song playing on WMP at this moment is M.I.A by Avenged Sevenfold.
  4. My heart skipped a beat earlier when I saw Eduardo scoring 2 goals on Arsenal's rout vs. Cardiff City.
  5. I was with my beloved girlfriend earlier, at the bus, going home.
  6. I'm gonna try playing PES2009 now.
  7. I haven't studied for the DASALGO departmental exam tomorrow. X_x
  8. I am a big fan of Arsenal F.C.
  9. My earphones are b0rken. D:
  10. I'm bored.
  11. I don't know what to put in here.
  12. I am a noisy person.
  13. I'm also lazy.
  14. I always bring my phone wherever I go.
  15. I haven't answered the FORMDEV workbook yet.
  16. Yeah, I think I'm also losing it.
  17. I still haven't finished reading Slash's book.
  18. I don't know who will be the 25 persons I'll be tagging later.
  19. I'm now listening to Tom Sawyer by Rush.
  20. I think I'm going to fail the DASALGO depex.
  21. I know I failed the CCSCAL1 quiz.
  22. I am your father. *GASP*
  23. I'm hungry.
  24. I want to watch Minesweeper the Movie. =))
  25. I want to play geetar right now.
So uh.. I'll just follow-up the 25 persons who I'll be tagging sometime tomorrow.. Or the next day..