Gabboiz tagged me. Ohnoez.
Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
- I just finished downloading Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 for the PSP.
- I'm currently downloading the discography of the Foo Fighters.
- The song playing on WMP at this moment is M.I.A by Avenged Sevenfold.
- My heart skipped a beat earlier when I saw Eduardo scoring 2 goals on Arsenal's rout vs. Cardiff City.
- I was with my beloved girlfriend earlier, at the bus, going home.
- I'm gonna try playing PES2009 now.
- I haven't studied for the DASALGO departmental exam tomorrow. X_x
- I am a big fan of Arsenal F.C.
- My earphones are b0rken. D:
- I'm bored.
- I don't know what to put in here.
- I am a noisy person.
- I'm also lazy.
- I always bring my phone wherever I go.
- I haven't answered the FORMDEV workbook yet.
- Yeah, I think I'm also losing it.
- I still haven't finished reading Slash's book.
- I don't know who will be the 25 persons I'll be tagging later.
- I'm now listening to Tom Sawyer by Rush.
- I think I'm going to fail the DASALGO depex.
- I know I failed the CCSCAL1 quiz.
- I am your father. *GASP*
- I'm hungry.
- I want to watch Minesweeper the Movie. =))
- I want to play geetar right now.
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