3 weeks into the 3rd term...
And I'm already WTF'd by the subjects.
OBJECTP - MP1. Do some animation/game using Alice.
DASALGO - One of the lighter subjects, since we're only on Frequency Counting as of now.
CCSCAL1 - I do think the topics are not that hard, but the prof... Makes me want to sleep everytime we meet.
FORMDEV - The second of the lighter subjects. LASALLELASALLELASALLE.
FWTEAMS - Well, another fairly easy subject. Volleyball. I hope I can easily pass this one.
TREDONE - Ack. 10hrs of church service. I think I'm going to burn.
ENGLCOM - A heavy subject, most probably because meeting's everyday. Lots of readings to boot too.
NSTP-C2 - Kids, kids, kids. What can I say? I hate 'em. Pfffft.
Plus the fact that we're gonna be choosing our specialization... AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!