Posted by Jeff |
Okay, so many things had happened... This and that, these and those... And I always forget to slap those things on this blog. Oh, I'm still young by the way, I just tend to forget things. =P
Okay, first one, O2Jam. Yeah, Jomz, Kaira and Pisco are also playing now. And I am the strongest, of course. Just look at the level differences. 34>17(?)>11(?)>8(?). See the difference? Good.
Second, football. Some of you know that I am talking about soccer here, not football like NFL and such. It's fun, waaaay more fun than basketball, I just hope others realize that. Soccer is also better than basketball when you want to exercise yourself, reduce weight, improve your reflexes and stamina and such. How? First, reducing wieght. Just look at the playing field, bigger than a basketball court right? Run around it for about 10 laps while dribbling a ball, and eat anything that you would normally eat when you are on a diet. Next one, exercise, and improving your stamina. Just play one game, you being a midfielder, helping both the strikers and the defenders. Running back and forth, you get tired easily right? But when you get used to it, you would notice your stamina improved. Of course, exercise comes in there also. Running and such. How about the reflexes? Play as the goalkeeper, and just keep your eye on the ball. Catch it whenever you can. Reflexes +1.
Darn it, I'm out of words already.