
Posted by Jeff |

So I just got off the bus after my usual morning trip going to DLSU, but a minute before that Lord (yeah, that's his name. :>) texted me this:

"Ihanda mo na salbabida mo, baha sa may quirino."

So at first I thought he was just kidding, so after arriving at Quirino Ave., I looked to the left and, sadly, it's indeed flooded. Thank God I was wearing slippers so I bravely walked through it, the flood as high as my ankle I think.

Now this got me to say: "This is gonna be the start of a bumpy ride."

Yes, I go home at Cavite everyday, so I always arrive at Quirino everyday. I don't expect another flood like that anytime soon, but I know I'll experience more(or even worse) of this kind of weather. :>